In domestic abuse situations, help is focused on removing the victim from harm’s way. In our Psychotheraphy Program at Life Changing Solutions, LLC, we focus on treating the domestic abuser. Psychotheraphy often have different aims; however, its main purpose is to stop the batterer from committing violence again.
Through our Psychotheraphy Program, we aim to help participants identify dehumanizing, sexist ideals and ideas, and negative thoughts that often lead to abuse and battering. We utilize psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and other research-based batterer intervention techniques. Typically, those who attend Psychotheraphy programs are required to do, with the hope that they will take responsibility for their actions and learn new behaviors that will prevent them from abusing their partners.
The goals of our Psychotheraphy program include:
- Stopping violence and domestic abuse
- Preventing the reoccurrence of future violence, while ensuring victim safety
- Identifying abusive behaviors
- Teaching alternatives to violence
- Assisting individuals in examining the beliefs they hold about violence
- Improving conflict resolution and communication skills
- Exploring the impact of abusive and violent behavior on partners, children, and others
Contact Us
For more details, contact us at 318-213-0904 or Schedule an Appointment at your convenience.
If you are experiencing thoughts of suicide or are concerned about someone you know, please reach out to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). For immediate crisis support, please call 911. You may also visit the Suicide Prevention Resource Center – Louisiana for other helpful resources.