The Duluth Model BIP is a deliberate and purposeful intervention designed to interrupt men’s cycle of violence. The curriculum is based on the theory that domestic violence stems from men’s belief in entitlement which then justifies the use of certain abusive tactics. This curriculum is designed to be used within a community using its institutions to diminish the power of men who batter over their victims. It also explores with each participant in the class the intent of his violence and the possibilities for change through seeking a different kind of relationship with women.
Who is Eligible
The target population is male adult offenders, under the supervision of the Courts/ Criminal Justice System.
- Deferred Sentencing Programs
- Condition of Probation or Parole
- Condition of early release In lieu of fine
- Possible future implementation within the jails
Referrals Accepted From
- Court
- Law Enforcement Agency
- Mental Health Professionals
- Self Referrals
Who Benefits From This Program?
- Victims
- Families
- Batterers
- Communities
- The Criminal Justice System
No Discrimination Policy
Contact Us
For more details, contact us at 318-213-0904 or Schedule an Appointment at your convenience.
If you are experiencing thoughts of suicide or are concerned about someone you know, please reach out to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). For immediate crisis support, please call 911. You may also visit the Suicide Prevention Resource Center – Louisiana for other helpful resources.